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Home » Ahiflower® Equine Omega Oil: Better Than Flax! Not From Fish!

Ahiflower® Equine Omega Oil: Better Than Flax! Not From Fish!

Ahiflower® Oil is a 100% vegan, gluten free, plant-sourced oil, that is 100% sustainable and 100% traceable to the British fields in which it was grown. It is a strong, non-GMO source of daily omega-3 fatty acids, as well as a supply for the body’s daily omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids needs. But why do we need omegas? What do they even do? Specifically… why do we need Ahiflower?

If you’re currently using an omega product, here are the top reasons to make the switch to Ahiflower:

Ahiflower Oil is the Superior, Complete Omega Supplement

Omegas are essential for good health, and necessary for the body’s functions to properly, and most effectively operate. Ahiflower Oil has the richest and most effective combined essential fatty acids from a single plant — more than flax, chia, hemp, sach inchi, perilla, or echium seed oils.

The omegas that Ahiflower Oil delivers are:

  • Omega-3 – ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) and SDA (stearidonic acid)
  • Omega-6 – GLA (gamma linolenic acid) and LA (linoleic acid)
  • Omega-9 – OA (oleic acid)

Omega-3 fatty acids help scrape off the “bad” cholesterol, to balance the good cholesterol in your body. The effect of Ahiflower being so rich in omega 3 and 6 means its fights plaque buildup on the walls of your arteries and blood vessels.

The ALA, alpha-linolenic acid, is a n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid can help protect the lining of the GI tract and promote beneficial gut flora, even for people with “normal” digestive systems.

GLA, gamma linolenic acid, is a plant-derived omega-6, most abundant in seeds of an Eastern flower known as borage. Although a member of the omega-6 family, it’s metabolized differently than other omega-6s.

Ahiflower Oil is Plant-Based

By taking Ahiflower as a cost-effective investment towards better health as you age, you are doing much more than just bettering your body.

Ahiflower Oil helps decrease the environmental footprint left behind from indiscriminate wild harvesting of fish and krill.

Impressively, there is no other plant-based supplement that has the same combination of omega-3 ALA, omega-3 SDA, omega-6 LA and omega-6 GLA fatty acids. Ahiflower is also extremely eco-friendly, as it is 100% sustainable– unlike any marine oils. Grown only in select fields within the United Kingdom, Ahiflower is actually the most environmentally friendly omega-3 supplement. Because Ahiflower is up to 400% more effectively metabolized than flax in humans, it requires less land and less water to deliver the healthy omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids we all need, than other plant-sourced powerhouses.

If you’re not currently using an Omega, here is why you need to try Ahiflower Oil:

There are over 30,000 scientific studies that support that essential fatty acids, like the ones Ahiflower provides, are vital for a healthy body and mind. These fatty acids can help improve cardiovascular health. As omega 3 fatty acids may support discomfort and a healthy inflammatory response.

Do I really need it?

As humans, our bodies cannot “make” essential omega fatty acids ourselves. This is why we have to get them from our diet. Lindsey Cole, of Nature’s Crops International, says, “Virtually every cell in our body requires omegas in their structure, especially in cell walls and membranes. Many modern western diets contain significantly less and significantly different omegas.”

Human clinical trials show that Ahiflower®Oil has up to 4 times better EPA conversion than flaxseed oil.

Springtime’s breakdown of the SDA, ALA, and GLA in our Ahiflower product:

Omega 3-15,788/mg

ALA: 11,226mg

SDA: 4,562 mg

Omega 6– 3,634/mg

LA: 2,423mg

GLA: 1,211mg

Omega 9– 2,672/mg

OA: 1,603mg

PA: 1069mg

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