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Home » Year Round Bug Off Garlic for the Colder Months and Bug are Staying

Year Round Bug Off Garlic for the Colder Months and Bug are Staying

Although it’s cold, bug season is not over!

Bugs can be found everywhere, hiding in tall grass fields or surrounding your home. With so many toxic options out there that have the potential to do more harm than good, many are looking towards natural remedies to help protect their four-legged loved ones from unwanted guests making themselves at home in their coats.

Springtime customers report best results when they give Bug Off Garlic to their dogs and horses year-round, and double or triple the dosage in the fall before winter. Insects and ticks are desperately looking for a last blood-meal to survive the winter.

Bug Off garlic for dogs and horses in a variety of sizes

We recommend giving Bug Off Garlic daily, year-round, because it can be challenging to re-introduce Bug Off Garlic after a hiatus. Particularly with picky animals.

Another important part of of giving Bug Off Garlic year-round is when the Garlic is already in your horse or dog’s system, there is more protection on those occasional warm days.

Close up of a brown horse in a field of horses

To further keep your mind at ease, upping the dose on these days is 100% okay, because Bug Off Garlic is natural and water soluble.

When you gradually increase the Garlic, your dogs and horses are used to the smell.

Bonus tip: Putting thegarlicin a fridge or freezer can be helpful during this gradual increase, because keeping the garlic cold helps diminish the smell without changing the efficacy.

Why year-round?

Yellow lab sitting on a lawn strewn with leaves

We recommend giving Bug Off Garlic daily, year-round, because it can be challenging to re-introduce Bug Off Garlic after a hiatus.

Giving Bug Off Garlic year-round is the best protocol because of the build up of Garlic in the system. Not to mention, the incredible health benefits!

Spoiler: Garlic is one of the world’s most powerful antioxidant foods, and is a great source of dietary sulfur, including MSM.

Plus, health benefits!

While Bug Off Garlic shields against fleas, ticks, and flies, it also promotes friendly bacteria in the digestive tract. Another benefit of Bug Off Garlic is that it supports a healthy immune system.

Springtime has been selling Bug Off Garlic for Horsesand Dogsfor almost 25 years. While there is controversy circulating the toxicity of garlic for pets, from a single study in Japan where four dogs were force-fed extremely large amounts of raw garlic, Springtime has combined research-based chemistry with the desire for natural products.

Garlic preparations vary in chemistry, and the air-dried garlic we use contains very little of the oxidative component that may cause problems if used in excess, making Springtime’s Bug Off Garlic gentle and absolutely safe for everyday, year-round use.

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