Updated September 21, 2022.
More and more dog owners are considering duck for dogs as a protein variation and as a solution to common food allergies.
Dogs rely on a high-protein diet for optimal health. Of course, some proteins are better than others, and duck meat is among the proteins with the best biological value to dogs. Like humans, dogs thrive with a varied diet, and the introduction of duck into a diet that relies heavily on beef or chicken can help create a more balanced nutritional profile.
Unlike humans, dogs allergies are nearly always related to common food proteins, and dogs with allergies to common proteins used in dog food, such as chicken, can explore the option of substituting duck.
Is Duck Good for Dogs?
Duck meat, such as our duck feet for dogs, is a rich source of trace minerals like selenium, zinc, copper, and iron. These help boost the immune system, support the thyroid, promote red blood cell health and keep energy levels balanced. Vitamin B3 (niacin) and many other B vitamins support cardiovascular health and contribute to skin and coat health. Duck meat also contains Omega 3 and Omega 6 for antioxidant protection against free radicals and vitamin A to support eye health.
Duck for Dogs with Allergies
Duck meat is an allergy-friendly alternative for dogs that are food sensitive to chicken or beef. According to PetMD, the most common sources of allergies for dogs are proteins they metabolize in food sources, especially beef, dairy, and wheat. Testing for allergies can be an expensive proposition, and the information gained is not always worth the effort or expense.
Even if one is lucky enough to definitively identify the cause of the allergies, many dog food products will contain the allergy-causing substance the owner is trying to avoid in trace amounts or much more. Owners who are dealing with dogs who are suffering from allergies (usually manifesting as a chronic itch) will often skip the allergy testing and a make a dietary switch to less common protein sources in the hope of eliminating the allergen.
Duck meat (as well as lamb, bison, and others) is a very good alternative for this strategy; however, it is incumbent on the dog owner to find a trustworthy, uncontaminated source of duck or other non-allergic protein.
Dogs are carnivores and thrive on a high-protein diet. Duck meat is an excellent source of protein, with a biological value that is superior to beef or chicken. A diet that includes duck can help create a more balanced nutritional profile for dogs. At Springtime, we understand the importance of providing optimal nutrition for dogs, which is why we offer products containing duck as one of the main ingredients. Visit our website and blog to learn more about our products and how they can benefit your dog’s health.