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Home » Springtime Family Member of the Month… Tehya!

Springtime Family Member of the Month… Tehya!

Here at Springtime, we value our Springtime Family Members (you!) more than anything. Every day, we get letters with amazing stories about you and your animal loved ones. So we created the “Springtime Family Member of the Month” profile, where one of our lovable Springtime Family Members will be featured on our website! To have yourself, your dog, your horse, or other animal family members featured, please answer the questions below and email them along with a few pictures to feedback@springtimeinc.com with Springtime Family Member Profile in the subject line!

What do your people parents call you? My name is Tehya. It is Native American and means Precious.

How old are you? I will be one year old June 9, 2019.

From which breed do you hail? American Cocker Spaniel

What makes your tail waggle? Pretty much anything that moves and breathes, but sometimes I even wag my tail when I’m drinking water.

What’s your favorite activity? I like going for walks and playing ball, but probably my favorite activity is chasing chickens. My mom doesn’t like me doing that though.

Favorite season of the year and why? Every season is a good time when you’re as happy as me!

Interesting Facts about yourself? Although I’m a purebred Cocker Spaniel I have a long tail rather than the typical docked tail. It’s great to be a long-tailed Cocker. Maybe that’s why I’m so happy! And my mom loves the curls on my tail.

How did you hear about Springtime Supplements: My mom has been acquainted with the products for a long time, but she can’t remember how she first heard about them. She gave them to her Cocker Spaniel, Tanika, who Springtime featured on April 9th. My mom had to make the decision to help her pass peacefully last year at 14 years old.

What’s your favorite Springtime Supplement product? I take Spirulina Chewables, Fresh Factors and Bug Off Garlic. Probably my favorite would be Fresh Factors.

Some words from Tehya’s parents: I’m a Cocker Spaniel lover at heart! Tehya is actually my third one. She is my first one with a long tail and I absolutely love it! She is a super happy girl who loves life.

Springtime products are a wonderful, natural way to help our furry friends. I had great success using them for my Cocker Spaniel, Tanika, who I had to part with last year. Had it not been for Springtime, I’m not sure she would have had such a good quality of life in her senior years. Although Tehya is quite young with no known health issues, I feel good knowing she’s getting natural nutritional support. A word to anyone who is considering trying the products….”Go for it! You’ll be glad you did!”

Keep up the good work Springtime! Thank you for all you do!

Grace DeLong, Ohio

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