Here at Springtime, we value our Springtime Family Members (you!) more than anything. Every day, we get letters with amazing stories about you and your animal loved ones. Unfortunately, we can’t share them all, so we created the “Springtime Family Member of the Month” profile, where one of our lovable Springtime Family Members will be featured on our website! To have yourself, your dog, your horse, or other animal family member featured, please answer the questions below and email them along with a picture to feedback@springtimeinc.com with Springtime Family Member Profile in the subject line!
with Springtime Family Member Profile in the subject line!
What do your people parents call you? Kuger
How old are you? I will be 3 on April 20th, 2019!
From which breed do you hail? Working Line German Shepherd
What makes your tail waggle? Raw dog food, including chicken and duck necks, and Jolly Balls on a rope.
What’s your favorite activity? Groundhog holes, flying birds, playing my favorite game we call “Stick in the Crick”!
Favorite season of the year and why? I LOVE them all, but I’d have to say summer because I can swim anytime at our place in the pond and creek, and thankfully there is air conditioning in the house 🙂
Interesting Facts about yourself? I love to do scentwork and have competed locally.
What’s your favorite Springtime Supplement product? Joint Health Chewables and Fresh Factors! (aka: the COMBO!!!)

Some words from Kuger’s parents: Kuger was only 8 months old when we finally decided to have him evaluated to see why he would limp badly on either of his front legs since he was about 4 months old. Three different vets suggested surgery… to the tune of $5,000.00 dollars. Then we read how iffy this particular surgery really was, often requiring numerous follow up surgeries. We knew our Kuger would not be the best patient for rehab, and we just didn’t think he’d be happy locked in a crate, which would have been most of the time following surgery. Kuger would need to be physically carried for the first 2 weeks. As he weighs 75 lbs. and we are both in our 60s, this surgery was not a tenable course of action.
I had given my past older Shepherds Springtime Supplements before with great results, so I thought, why not see how they work on Kuger? I put him on the Combo of Joint Health Chewables and Fresh Factors, 5 each per day, grinding them in a blender and dividing them between morning and evening. During the first few months on this regimen, we noticed he was demonstrating healthy strength in his legs. As time went on, his periods of discomfort were further apart, shorter, and less severe. The vet told me without surgery, he would get further and further away from normal, healthy leg function. Back then, I thought of even having him put down to spare his pain, as nothing we gave him seemed to alleviate the pain. So we were amazed at what we were seeing from Kuger after administering the Springtime Supplements :-).

Kuger is going to be 3 years next month, so it has been more than 2 years now that his legs have been healthy. He is not the type of dog that takes a walk a couple times a day. Instead, Kuger is a fireball of action, jumping and leaping, and playing with his sister, Tasha. He is a CRAZY working line German Shepherd that will jump 3 feet high to catch a snowball! I know we shouldn’t do some of the things with him that we do, but honestly, Kuger wouldn’t be happy if we restrained him. He even goes to the mountains once in a while, as I ride my horse, but I do limit him to 1.5 hours then :-). We live on a 20-acre farm back off the road with a pond and a creek — a perfect dog heaven! We truly believe your products are why Kuger is doing so well. Thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts :-)!
Deb & Gary Mullen, Pennsylvania