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Home » Springtime Family Member of the Month… Annie!

Springtime Family Member of the Month… Annie!

Meet Annie! Our Springtime Family Member of the Month!! Annie loves her Longevity!

Here at Springtime, we value our Springtime Family Members more than anything. Every day, we get letters with amazing stories about you and your animal loved ones. So we created the “Springtime Family Member of the Month” profile, where one of our lovable Springtime Family Members will be featured on our website and social media!

Annie relaxing in the grass.

What do your people parents call you? Annie

How old are you? 13 or 14.

From which breed do you hail? Border Collie – with who knows what else!

What makes your tail waggle? Meeting other dogs!

What’s your favorite activity? Being the “fun police.” I bark at the horse and goats if they get out of line, tattle on my brother Zeke if he is into something he is not supposed to be into, and of course steal his Frisbee when, in my opinion, it is time for him to stop playing with it. I also love rolling around in the grass, which mom says is not helpful for my allergies.

Annie and her Frisbee.

Favorite season of the year and why? Summer. I don’t really like the darkness in winter.

Interesting Facts about yourself? You know when those planes fly high overhead – the ones with the chemtrails?I love to chase them across the property all the while barking at them!

How did you hear about Springtime Supplements: Gosh, mom can’t remember. She thinks she may have gotten a catalog in the mail years ago.

What’s your favorite Springtime Supplement product? Longevity

Annie enjoying life!

Some Words from Annie’s parents: Annie does not have the typical double coat that a Border Collie has. I finally figured out that keeping her shaved is best. Even so, she has developed horrible skin problems over the years.At times she can smell yeasty. After baths she has to be dried completely or she will itch herself raw around her neck.But the worst has been the past few years when, from about April 1 until the end of September where Annie suffers terribly from allergies. Until I found Longevity, Apoquel was the only thing that would stop her from itching and she had to be on it constantly for that six months from spring to fall. I do not like having to resort to drugs and if there is a supplement that may do the trick I will certainly try it. This past winter I started giving her Longevity. Surprisingly to me, she licked that green stuff right up no problem! When April came along, I held my breath, waiting to see if she would start itching.April came and went, and now so has May. It is June 5thtoday and I have not given her a single Apoquel pill this spring and she is maintaining naturally healthy skin. I am overjoyed!

P.S. I also called my vet the other day and told them this so that hopefully they might tell other patients.

To have yourself, your dog, your horse, or other family members featured, please answer the questions above and email them along with a few pictures to feedback@springtimeinc.com with Springtime Family Member Profile in the subject line!

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