Directions for use and how to get the most out of your Bug Off Garlic!
Bugs can be found everywhere, hiding in tall grass fields or surrounding your home. Many of the options for protection from biting insects rely on toxic chemicals with potentially significant side effects. That’s why many people are looking to natural remedies to help protect themselves and their loved ones from unwanted pests.

As Springtime celebrates 40 years of providing natural supplements, you could say that we know a thing or two about the helpful and natural ways to protect against bugs. Garlic has been a part of Springtime customers’ lives for almost 25 years, and it continues to be the go-to solution for natural insect protection and immune support for their dogs, horses, and the people who love them. Over the years we’ve heard a lot from customers on how they incorporate garlic into their lives and the lives of their animals.
Here are some pointers we have received to help you make the most of your garlic experience!
Start out slow and increase gradually!
Sudden changes in our lives can be jarring. Customers have found that the best approach is a slow, gradual introduction of less than the minimum amount and working up to the recommended amount at a slow and steady pace. Doubling and tripling is always an option once your horses or dogs have become accustomed to the garlic.
The more you give the better!
Garlic works differently for everyone and some need a little extra to get the job done. If it’s your horse, your dog, or you, gradually increasing to an amount that shows you that bugs are steering clear is exactly what you need to do! But Springtime wants to help keep your horses, dogs, and your defense against insects strong and we recommend giving as much garlic as it takes. That’s the beauty of a natural garlic supplement, you can never give too much!
Daily and year-round.

Once garlic is in the system, there is consistent protection through the year. Doubling or tripling the doses when bugs tend to surge (early spring and late fall) is recommended to increase protection. In areas of high infestation, such as tall grasses, bushes, woods, trails, overgrown areas, woodpiles, etc… The nasty little ticks are much more likely to find your pet as a tasty snack. As the seasons change, do some research to find out what time of the season ticks get extra hungry in your area. Ticks usually tend to latch on more aggressively and vigorously if it is their first meal of the season coming out of hibernation or their last meal when they are getting ready to hide away for the winter.
Give it time.
As with any natural supplement, garlic needs to make itself at home in your dog’s system. This can take up to 2-4 weeks, but once it’s settled in, with constant use, it will continue to protect your dog from fleas and ticks.

Don’t forget about the health benefits!
As garlic shields against pesky bugs, it also promotes friendly bacteria in the digestive tract. Garlic is a known prebiotic, which are substances that create favorable conditions for probiotics. This is one of the reasons garlic has been used for many years to support a healthy immune system.