Dealing with Founder (Laminitis) in Horses

Updated on September 22, 2022. In a healthy horse, the bones of the hoof are suspended by specialized tissues, called laminae, which provide stability and shock absorption. If there is inflammation or deterioration of the laminae (laminitis) and it is left untreated, there is the potential that the third phalanx bone, or coffin bone, can […] Read more »
Horse Abscess Identification & Treatment

Last summer, I came home after work to find my horse, Jimmy, limping in the field. To make matters worse, I had an early flight out of town the next morning. Why is it that animals always seem to have health problems right before you go on vacation? There were no scrapes or cuts on […] Read more »
Biotin: What it is, what it does & how it works…

Biotin is a B-vitamin that plays a key role in the production of skin, nails, and hair. The B-complex vitamins, like biotin, help the body convert carbohydrates, fats, and protein into energy. Biotin is used by the body to maintain the health of skin, the digestive tract, and the nervous system. The science behind the […] Read more »