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Home » Panax Ginseng: “All Healing” Root

Panax Ginseng: “All Healing” Root

Panax ginseng for calm, well being, and performance

Panax ginseng for calm, well being, and performance

Panax ginseng has been used for thousands of years
to help the body manage physical and mental stress.

Ginseng (panax ginseng) is a member of the ivy family that is renowned for the powerful health properties of its roots. Ginseng is the most widely used of the botanicals referred to as adaptogens, which help the body combat mental and physical stress, including during athletic activity. Ginseng was used by the ancient Chinese and by Native Americans, and it has been used for thousands of years for a variety of health benefits. In fact, “panax” is Greek for “all healing.”*

Ginseng is probably most well known for its ability to support a healthy sense of well being and vitality. In traditional Chinese medicine, panax ginseng has been used for centuries to maintain a sense of calm. In the West, ginseng is becoming increasingly popular and is being studied for a variety of benefits, including supporting a sense of calm, concentration, a healthy immune system, and normal blood sugar, among others.*

Panax ginseng is native to cooler climates in Asia and North America. A mature ginseng plant will have five leaves, red berries, and long stem leading to a fleshy, gnarled root system. Cultivated ginseng varies in quality, based on many factors, and wild ginseng, which is very rare, is often regarded as superior. Ginseng’s value and popularity has led to over-harvesting, making it more difficult and more expensive to obtain quality ginseng.

Springtime uses a powerful, standardized panax ginseng extract — fully tested for potency, purity, and safety. Below you will find more information on Springtime products containing ginseng:

Springtime, Inc.
Stress Free Calmplex
for Dogs
Springtime, Inc.
Daily Calm
for Horses
Springtime, Inc.
Performance Paste
for Horses
A safe and natural supplement with quality ginseng and other natural ingredients to help dogs manage stress. (e.g.  vet visits, thunderstorms, fireworks, rescue rehab, training, etc).
Buy 2, Get 2 FREE!
A natural, non-sedating daily supplement that helps horses manage nervousness, stress, and anxiety.
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Pre-event paste supports oxygenation, energy, and stamina for “best day” performance for horses.

Springtime, Inc.
Tonic Blend
Tablets for People
A great way to add natural antioxidants & adaptogens into your diet to help the body’s processes function normally during physical and emotional stress.*
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